IO-Link masters

IO-Link masters ensure digital signal transmission between the PLC or parameter setting software and IO-Link sensors. The master is connected to the sensor via a max. 20 m long sensor cable (unshielded) and installed in the control cabinet or directly in the field.

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IO-Link Master

All items of the category IO-Link Master :

io Cloudkompatibel Cloud compatible
100+ in stock!
Online -5,5 %
IO-Link Master
AD001IO-Link Master
Go to customer reviews(16)
  • IO-Link
  • Protection rating IP65/ IP67
  • Profinet
  • 4 ports
  • M12 connector
io Cloudkompatibel Cloud compatible
16 in stock!
Online -5,5 %
IO-Link IoT-Master
AD009IO-Link IoT-Master
  • IO-Link
  • Protection rating IP65/ IP67
  • Ethernet/ IoT (MQTT JSON)
  • 8 ports
  • M12 connector
100+ in stock!
Online -5,5 %
IO-Link starter kit
ADS01IO-Link starter kit
Go to customer reviews(10)
  • IO-Link
  • IO-Link master, software & accessories